APEX 100™ Webinar
This complimentary one-hour webinar introduces attendees to the APEX 100 Management System and includes the APEX 100 Level 1 Assessment. This first level assessment provides a candid evaluation of how well your practice is performing and should be used as a perpetual scorecard to regularly monitor progress toward implementation of a comprehensive professional management system. Attendees will have the opportunity to have the Level I Assessment for their specific O&P practice completed, scored, and analyzed the same day

Based on a 2014 study by The Shamrock Group, Inc., 1 of the 3 top reasons businesses fail was ‘a lack of strategic focus’… these businesses focused solely on operational improvements. So the first step toward implementing a professional management system is to focus on APEX 100’s first P – Planning. As former practice owners themselves, our Apex 360 Team Leaders will first analyze your
financials, APEX 100 Assessment results, and perform an Employee Satisfaction and Morale survey. Next, we will visit your practice for a 6-hour strategic planning session that includes an in-depth SWOT analysis and more. At the conclusion, you will have a Strategic Plan that includes a clear Vision of what you want your practice to become, a Mission statement that defines how you are going to reach your Vision, and up to 3 Priority Issues to focus on, each with smaller steps (Action Items) with realistic, firm due dates and who is responsible for each.

Apex 360 Systems will partner with you in implementing a proven professional management system that will empower your practice to reach new levels of performance. Let us help you reach your apex!

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© APEX 360 SYSTEMS, LLC   |  PO BOX 1031 | TIPP CITY, OHIO 45371 | P: 800.396.2480 | F: 937.716.2190

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